Finally time and my muse were both in agreement to let me create a new manip. A tutorial for a technique used on this is now live on youtube!

The tutorial is all about the Camera RAW filter, which can help you radically change the appearance and atmosphere of your precomposed manipulations as long as you keep a few tricks in mind so as to not lose your individual layers in the process. You can watch it on youtube via this link.

Some background on the manip

I often get this creative high during the Christmas holidays – everything is calm, not much to do but sit inside anyway… seems to be a great combination for my creative juices. When I go back to work, the first few weekends this creative high may carry over. But usually, in February / March it is like someone has flipped a switch: I start a million things but abandon them again quickly. Nothing seems right, everything is just *meh*…

With the arrival of spring (and a whole lot of bank holidays in Germany along with it), my creative juices start flowing again – thankfully ^^;

The Meadow – Work in Progress

The Meadow is not a very complicated image, but with the colour shift and the glow one that I really loved to work on. The colour shift from the first wip image shown below to the second one was all done using the Camera RAW filter in Photoshop.

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