Finally I got around to recording and editing a new video. It’s a walkthrough of my artwork Gone, which in real time took around 2 hours in Photoshop, but which I sped up to save you from watching my every tiny move.
The further along the process comes, the more the video is sped up. In turn this means that in the beginning of a manip, you make leaps of progress, while in the end, the progress seems to slow to a crawl. So when you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your image, maybe that is why…
Please remember that this is not a tutorial meant to be followed step by step, but rather a way to show you how I work and which techniques I use.
Since this is a sped up walkthrough, the narration does not cover every detail. I wanted to show you the process from start to finish, hoping you would find something to use or inspire you.
If you would like me to elaborate on any point, please let me know in the comments, and I will try to answer via comment or by creating a technique specific video.
Stock Credits:
Model from Lady-Moriendistock | tree ImaginaryRosseArt | sky Nikkayla & Andahliasaur | fire Ayelie-stock & Malleni-Stock | crack smevstock